I attended the Global Leadership Summit for the first time this year 2018. I missed the Thursday event but made it for Friday. The entire day was for me a great eye opener. I learned so much and have immediately implemented at least two new things that I felt are necessary for me to move ahead. I entered into a season of fasting and prayer to seek God’s guidance on how I should be planning and thinking and moving things around to conform to His will for me. The following are the tidbits that I took away with me and which I would like to share with all who might not have made it.
- There is no end to learning. Take the opportunity to learn. Help out. Don’t wait to be given a position
- Leadership is not a theory taught in books. It is a skill developed with time.
- If you cannot lead in low positions, you cannot lead in high positions either.
- Idleness cannot build a leader. You must dirty your hands.
- You must have staying power.
- Get excited, not fearful, about challenges.
- Don’t be greedy for the spoils. Take only what is your entitlement.
- You must be accountable and have a strong conviction on matters of value, ethics and the fear of God. You must have a clear stand on these things.
- What matters is how you finish not how you start. You dont choose how you start but you get to choose how to finish.
- Values are universal. Take your values with you wherever you go.
- Refuse to make assumptions. Remain curious.
- Business is not just about profit. It is also about purpose.
- Applaud your unfinished work. God applauded Himself day after day as He created the world. Every day he looked and said it was good.
- There are no shortcuts to success.
- Temptation is strongest when you are most vulnerable.
- The fear of God does not take away ambition. Being a Christian gives you an advantage; a head-start over non-believers when you stand on God’s promises.
- We are living in the end times. Absolute fidelity to the Bible and astute awareness of hypocrisy are vital for your survival in these times.
- Difficult times are transient. Manage them without compromising your values. There is no position worth betraying God for.
- Your vision should be something that is beyond your means and which scares you.
Thanks for sharing. I love and never miss GLS but I missed this one. Will look out for the DVDs..
This was my first time and I absolutely loved it. I also won’t miss it again.