There Comes A Time

There comes a time

There comes a time of childhood

When everything seems easy

And there is freedom

There is sunshine and roses

As you play in the field.

As you sit in class

Enjoying the rhymes and fairy tales.

There comes a time

when you become a teenager

A time of finding yourself

A time of falling and rising again

Of making mistakes and learning

This time you make serious decisions

Of furthering your studies.

There comes a time

To work

To till the land

To persist

To just know your are on your own

To know that if you don’t do it

No one will do it for you

Sometimes you fail

Sometimes you succeed

But you keep on trying

Because this is your time.

There comes a time of struggles

Of pain

Of almost losing hope

But you have to know

It is just a season

It is a phase in life.

With the struggles

There is pain

The pain at work

The pain of losing friends

The pain of trying to make ends meet

But then you realize that

The pain is a passing time

To strengthen you

To mature you

So dust yourself and move on.

There comes a time

For marriage

To find your love

And fall in love

To have other responsibilities

To have children

To know that the Lord

Sets the lonely in families

And because of family joy abounds

Family gives you a sense of belonging

Something you call your own

Little smiling faces

Love and care.

There comes a time in every phase of your life

And that time is the set time

Written by
Jane Harel

I am a Minister of the Word of God and a Counselling Psychologist. I write poems and devotionals for the glory of God. I also train on etiquette, protocol, psychology and leadership.

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Written by Jane Harel