Supermarket Girl – Chapter 14

This entry is part [part not set] of 21 in the series Supermarket Girl by Njeri Mucheru

Credit: Gerrit Vermeulen on Unsplash


On the day that Ruth met up with Tim, she had a good feeling about the friendship that was budding between them. She told herself that even though he might not be the soulmate she had been praying for, he was someone she could be close to.

He was a practicing Christian and very knowledgeable about the world he lived in. He had interesting stories and nuggets of advice that he shared with her.

Ruth pondered the question of why Tim suddenly surfaced in her life when she started praying and asked herself whether he would have surfaced had she not started praying. She told herself that there’s nothing in her life that just happens. She knew that whatever happened and the timing of it was determined by God because she had surrendered her life to Him.

Psalm 37:23 – 23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord

They met at a club where Tim was a member and he bought her lunch.

Ruth came to discover that Tim had changed careers and was now a clinical psychologist.

They spent their lunch time discussing about clinical psychology, Christianity and their personal lives.

As their lunch date came to an end, Ruth told Tim that she had been feeling overwhelmed and she asked him to give her some advice on what she should do.

“Well, you must know the verse in the Bible that asks us not to be anxious about anything; or the passage where Jesus asks us not to worry, right?” Asked Tim.

“Yes, yes I know that worrying and being anxious are prohibited in the Bible. But think about it Tim. With all the responsibilities that I have, how can I not worry or be anxious? ” Replied Ruth.

“Prayer is the solution when you feel worried or anxious. Then after praying, what you need to do is to be joyful. The joy of the Lord is our strength. Insist on believing that your prayer for help from God has been answered and God is working on your behalf. Adopt an attitude of gratitude for the blessings coming your way,” said Tim.

Nehemiah 8:10 – 10 Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

When Ruth spoke to God next she thanked Him for giving her someone to help her with her illness. She had been praying for complete healing and now she understood that Tim’s role was to help her heal. She had tried many therapists before but Tim had a unique approach which she felt was going to help her not just heal but also grow her character.

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Written by
Njeri Mucheru

Njeri Mucheru Advocate is an advocate of the High Court of Kenya of 26 years standing. She currently practices as Senior Partner at Mucheru Law LLP Advocates. In the year 2016 she founded Mary's Manger - a charity that provides assistance to women who suffer abuse in marriage. Njeri is a published writer. She is a member of Kenya Faith Writers Network.

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Written by Njeri Mucheru