Understanding Prayer and Fasting is a Kingdom dynamic, which every believer needs. Recently, in navigating through a forty day fast, I made this supplication: “If I only get the key to warfare correct, during this fast, I would be just fine.”
The reality of that prayer bounced quickly into fruition, as the whisper of God’s Holy Spirit peacefully rang through the depth of my inner being: I heard these words: The strongest Key in Warfare is doing right and being right on a daily basis. Thus, the topic, “Keys to Warfare” was birthed.
I, immediately realized there was a disclaimer to living right. Sin! Sin opens a legal door to attacks in our lives; and doing right is the opposite of sin. Sin is transgression or disobedience against what we know is right, as stipulated in God’s Holy Word. Not to say, that warfare will not come when we do right, but as in the case of Job, God will vindicate us when the enemy strikes. Where sin is prevalent, doors remain open, unless of course we follow the path of repentance as indicated in 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
Jehovah, our God is the God of Justice and will speak up for us, against the enemy’s schemes, which are not a few. Because keys open doors, it is important to have the correct key, for the breakthrough or the miracle we yearn for, when confronted by powers of darkness in various and even specific circumstances. While some advocate for formulas, I lean towards a lifestyle which pleases God (Hebrews 11:6).
Winning by our Lifestyle
Key #1: Be a Responsible Steward: The right use of finances, time, resources and other things God has entrusted to us. Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful (KJV 1 Corinthians 4:2). My thought immediately goes to the stories told about Daniel and Joseph in particular. These two, stood out in the work they did, and served unto the Lord. The warfare against them was both targeted and intense, but God was intentional about delivering them. Do you find yourself under intense warfare over areas you are entrusted with, and sometimes, feel overwhelmed by it all? You’re in good company. Entrust yourself to a God, who can find you faithful, because He will show Himself faithful on your behalf.
Key #2: Developing the Fruit of the Spirit: Galatians 5:22-23 is perhaps one of the most quoted, among several scriptures. The preceding scriptures belabour the matter of what the flesh lusts after, but cautions the believer on what ought to be the fruit of our lives. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control… Entering the battlefield is not for fainthearted folks; anything less than it is for the careless saint of God. Should we choose the way of the previous verses which show the evidence of living recklessly by advocating for adultery, fornication, selfish ambitions, envy and others, adequately listed, then the door is wide open for every kind of possibility (possible attack?). In fact, ultimately, we will be disinherited from God’s Kingdom and none of us would want that, would we? (Verse 21 The Gideon’s International Bible)
Key #3: Forgiveness will Keep you Free: I find it interesting, that God our Father, has chosen to bring salvation through the cross of His beloved son, through the belief that we can be forgiven off our sins. We are saved through receiving forgiveness. We also get bound if we fail to forgive others and bring ourselves into warfare, which can be avoided. Make a clean break with all cutting, backbiting, profane talk. Be gentle with one another, sensitive. Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:31-32 The Message Bible) Did you know that if you attempt to pray with un-forgiveness in your heart, the prayer does not go very far? The Holy Spirit who helps us pray (Romans 8:26) is merciful and to breakthrough in warfare, we too must forgive others their offences.
Key #4: Take Care of your Family: Do you still want to overcome when warfare comes against you? In essence, God has instituted a right order for your natural family and mine. The Bible teaches in 1Timothy 5:8 (The Message Bible) But if anyone does not care for their relatives, especially the members of his on family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. Denying the faith means, you have disconnected from the Word of God, and disqualified yourself to receive the Grace of God for provision. Is it possible that a door of great warfare and distress, is likely to come your way, if you are neglecting your home? Yes, certainly! In essence, that’s what the scripture here is referring to. The right order in all that we do, keeps us in right standing with God, and in the face of warfare, we can declare as Jesus did, “It is written…” in Luke 4:4, when Satan comes to accuse as he often does.
In another write up, I may tackle the place of respecting elders and staying free from debt. Suffice it to say, the four lifestyle areas are important because they are based on God’s Word. As such, any area of our lives, can fit into a strategy or Key for overcoming in Warfare. Thus, it becomes clear that the more of God’s law I obey, the more successful, prosperous and free from stress I will be, with or without warfare to tackle.
Joshua, Moses’ aide understood it well, having been through various battle scenarios with Moses, that sometimes, were unexpected and what always prevailed, was the Word or Instruction of the Lord. Not much has changed or will change with the enemy’s tactics, thus, ours is to be alert and aware of what’s going on in our lives, and around us. I love Joshua 1:8 which keeps the main thing, just that – the main thing: “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then, you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success” (Joshua 1:8 English Standard Version).
My encouragement: Let us not be afraid of war, rather let us keep the war within us quietened by obedience and right living. The next time the key needs greasing and the doors won’t open, call on the presence of the Holy Spirit to support you to pray. Let us keep the keys safely hidden in our hearts that we may not sin against a Holy God (Psalm 119:11 – Paraphrased). Amen!!!