I see beauty in the weighty cross
A tree so rugged, bloody and heavy
It witnessed the weight of the world upon the Son of God
I see a thing of beauty in Calvary’s cross
Weighted with sin, pain and death
Christ who hang there spited, ridiculed and shamed
I see only beauty on that Calvary’s cross
Love displayed clearly, so true
With every drop, that blood that was shed
Had purpose, bought freedom, salvation and grace
I see true beauty on that bloody cross
When His Life He gave under its merciless weight
At the death of the man Christ, the veil was split in two
A death on the cross that carried shame and guilt
Bought passage into the most Holy place
Now I enter to worship in freedom under grace
With that last cry declaring it is complete
Still on that gruesome precious cross
What terror must have hell encountered
As the King of glory descended the abyss
And as Christ descended the depths of Hell
For us He retrieved the keys of authority
That once had been ours but were lost at the garden
But with His Rising He restored all that was lost
Tis now empty, that cross of beauty
Though rugged, bloody and weighted
The work of redemption that was set in motion that day
Was finished at the cross of Calvary
I see only beauty on that rugged cross
So precious to me that shameful cross
The hope, riches and power it bought
I could not tell the half of it!
Oh so much beauty in the thorn crowned head of Jesus
So bloody, disfigured and totally unrecognizable
For the lashes, stripes and battering He had endured
Were for me: most wretched, lost and damned
I worship because of the work accomplished on the beautiful cross
I live because though my saviour died, yet He rose
I see beauty in that rugged cross
And lay down my life to bear my cross
So beautiful and inspiring Wach! Keep writing ✍️ ??