Graceful Transitions by Evalyne Mumbi

Graceful Transitions talks about the different transitions that we go through in life. It teaches you how to go through transitions gracefully and with deep revelation.

The book is packed with real-life transition stories from Overcomers. It also carries a strong message, that is, to declutter. Decongest your heart from all the pain, anger, bitterness that you have harbored, so that the Lord may find a dwelling place, and help you experience graceful transitions.

This book will: 

  • Help you understand life's various transitions
  • Provide real testimonies from those who have overcome similar challenges
  • Strengthen your faith

About The Author:

Evalyne Mumbi is a Christian author whose main area of ministry is giving hope to the hopeless. She encourages people as they go through different transitions, through her personal testimonies and those of people around her. She is a firm believer of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Its Dare to Step Out by Liz Kimondo

There are different perspectives on what it means to be a Father. With extensive studies from Scripture, and different African communities and cultures, this book is an impeccable presentation on how Fathers can step up, and take their God-given role.


About The Author:

Elizabeth Kimondo is a trained Counselor and Mentor, who has a heart to see healthy, flourishing relationships. She holds a Diploma in Biblical Counseling, and currently resides in Nairobi, Kenya with her husband. They are blessed with five children and a grandson.

Let Me Testify by Paulie Mugure Mugo

The Lord Has Been Good

One night in the month of October 2008, I heard the Lord speak clearly to me.

“From this day on,” He said, “wake up and seek Me early.”

And this began a wonderful adventure, in which I learnt to set aside the early hours of the morning, as often as I could, to spend time at the feet of the Father. The years since have been the most wonderfully fulfilling in my life, and I know in my heart that the Lord has always been here with me – leading, guiding, chastising, teaching, healing, loving.

This book is a collection of stories I have written over those years; stories of what I believe has been the Lord’s grace over numerous situations in my life, and that of others around me.

I trust you will find some of them encouraging, some enlightening, some funny and some downright surprising.

But in all, I have endeavored to share openly my journey with the Lord, in the way that I have experienced it.


About The Author:

Paulie is a Christian author and entrepreneur. She ministers by writing - sharing stories from scripture, her life and the lives of those around her.

How to Develop your Personality & Character as a Christian by Njeri Mucheru

This bundle contains two books by Njeri Mucheru Package: My Priceless Mentality and Life as I Know it Now.

My Priceless Mentality” is the story of some hardships that the Author has faced in her life - from separation from her Birth Mother, who suffered mental illness, to diagnosis with Bipolar Disease. It details how she pulled herself out of the bottom of the pit, to believing that she was, in fact, Priceless. 

Life as I Know it Now” is a summary of major mistakes that the Author made, before the Word of God took over her life.  It explains how she overcame these mistakes, and the truths that she now lives by.

These books will help you:

  • Learn and grow from past mistakes
  • Not let hardships hold you back
  • Develop your personality and character as a Christian

About The Author:

Njeri is an Author and practicing Advocate. For her, writing began as a hobby which soon developed into a passion that has seen her publish several books. Her most recent work is a series titled “Supermarket Girl”, which she writes for Let's Shine! Magazine.  Njeri is an ardent Christian, who endeavors to build her life on Biblical principles.

Developing Your Own Business Success Culture by Rose Kainda

An Entrepreneur's Companion

Developing Your Own Business Success Culture – An Entrepreneur’s Companion” is a hands-on tool to aid in steering strategic growth in business.

This book will help you:

  • Grow your business
  • Develop a demonstrable culture of success

About The Author:

Rose Kainda fosters transformational leadership by nurturing holistic empowerment and development at both family and business levels through teaching, training, writing and mentoring services to the society. She thrives in people development, helping them to find purpose in life.

Everyday Warriors by Pinnah Waithira

When we watch athletes race, we see them cross the finish line and celebrate. Yet, we rarely see the sacrifice, patience and hard work that goes on behind the scenes. Pinnah believes that, like athletes, warriors need to transform their minds to get things done. No Pain, No Gain!

This book will help you:

  • Value patience and sacrifice
  • Transform your mind
  • Be a powerful, effective Prayer Warrior

About The Author:

Pinnah is a Christian Author, who strongly values becoming better each day.  Her educational background is in IT and Credit Management. She is a Motivational Speaker, and a Corporate Trainer on Debt Management, Debt Collection and Communication.

When Tears Almost Tear by Evalyne Mumbi

When Tears Almost Tear” is a testimony of what God has seen the Author through – from being orphaned at a tender age, to health challenges and even rape. Now, she can stand tall and declare the goodness of the Lord!

This book will teach you how to:

  • Overcome difficult personal circumstances
  • Stand firm in your faith

About The Author:

Eva is an actively Born-again Christian, an Author, mother, and wife. She ministers through writing, and takes much pride in this. Her joy is to witness souls come to Christ and yearn to know Him more.

Garment of Praise by Jane Harel

Garment of Praise” is a collection of poems, written to inspire and encourage. Some are drawn from the Author’s personal experience, and some from a deep place of reverence for the Lord.

Key Features:
  • Inspire and encourage you
  • Through a collection of beautiful poems
  • Written from personal experience

About The Author:

Jane is a gifted Author and Poet. She has a passion for Christian poems and devotionals, and has authored several of these.

Kenya National Anthem Devotional by Joyce Mwangi

To many Kenyans and friends of Kenya, the Kenya National Anthem is just another beautiful song, national anthem, and symbol of pride especially when sung during international sporting events.

This book seeks to break down verse by verse, line by line the Kenya National Anthem; and draw out the beauty and depth of the prayer that it is. Breathe in and take a conscious prayerful walk through the Kenya National Anthem—because that is what this anthem is: a prayer to the God of all creation.

This book will help you:
  • Re-learn the Kenya National Anthem
  • Study the Kenya National Anthem
  • Become an embodiment of the vision of the Kenya National Anthem

About The Author:

Joyce Mwangi is a teacher that teaches values. She teaches values as a stay at home mum, a speaker in various forums, a mentor to young girls and women, a blogger and as an author.

Living Beyond Your Limits by Bernard Maingi

Life is unpredictable and mysterious. Just when you think you are making headway, life throws a spanner in your works. “Living Beyond your Limits”, gives you tools to keep you highly motivated, and gives you unquenchable hope, in spite of any difficult circumstances in your life.

This book will help you:

  • Stay highly motivated
  • Have hope, despite difficult circumstances
  • Through highly effective tools, shared by the author

About The Author:

Bernard Maingi is a Research Consultant, Author and Motivational Speaker. He runs Child Compassion Fund, an organization which focuses on enabling orphaned and vulnerable children access secondary education. Bernard is highly motivated to make a difference in people’s lives, through mentoring. He is married and blessed with two boys and one girl.

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