
The Black Spot

The Black Spot The writing was on the wall, my fate was sealed. All because of that black spot in my heart… From outside, everything looked perfect. I was educated, came from a good family background, and job prospects were great. But inside me lay...

Is Trusting God Bitter- Sweet?

God holds the steering wheel, but I can’t help but furrow my eyebrows and question the direction He chooses. “It’s too long a distance,” I point out, “and I’ll be the one that loses.” Yet, He carries on at a seemingly slow and agonizing pace. I feel...

There Comes A Time

There comes a time There comes a time of childhood When everything seems easy And there is freedom There is sunshine and roses As you play in the field. As you sit in class Enjoying the rhymes and fairy tales. There comes a time when you become a...

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