As we celebrate Easter, how about revisiting the context around which the most memorized Verse, John 3:16, was written? It followed the answer given to a seeker – a respected teacher of the law, Nicodemus, who for some undisclosed reason went to see...
James 3: 2: We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check. Putting my tongue in check has proved to be the greatest test of all, and it is no wonder that James says that...
GOD ALWAYS COMES THROUGH Sometimes He’s four days late. John 11:21 Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.” Other times He answers before we call. Isaiah 65:24 “Before they call I will...
She has a beautiful name, one I’ve only heard once before. And warm, brown eyes. She’s somewhat reserved, perhaps even a little shy, but has a graceful sense of propriety. She has a smile that surprises you with the pretty glow it casts on her face...
We can never read and obey the word of God if we do not believe that it is inerrant, infallible and divine.
God of mysteries – I don’t understand your ways, But I choose to trust you. I don’t understand how you knew me before I was born, And you saw my frame being formed in my mother’s womb I don’t understand why your plan is sometimes painful...
This is yet another clarion call for millennials to arise and build this country. When we were young children we referred to us future leaders but the season has now changed. We are no longer future leaders. The time is ripe for us to lead this...
In the past few months I have gone through grief and witnessed others go through it too. One would assume that having gone through grief before, one becomes better at it and is therefore able to cope or handle it better. That is far from the truth...
Night is fast approaching. Eerie sounds seem to be stalking the group for miles on end all around them, as if the perpetrators are initiating a battle dance before they pounce. The cold bites into their numb limbs. They trudge along, weary, beaten...
Ephesians 1:18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people. All of God’s promises are true and as...