She came wearing a loose, threadbare dress, worn rubber slippers, and a tired headscarf, barely concealing rough braids underneath. Her thin, frail frame said it all. “She looked thin and bony,” Lily tells me as we begin the interview for this story...
A revival is a time of an exchange – godliness for wickedness; a spiritual alertness for spiritual dullness; righteousness for moral decadence, and ultimately, life for death; It is a re-birth; a life giving period.
About 10 years ago, on a stint back home for a short break (my family and I had lived in another country), I realised that the ladies fellowship had become an important point of fellowship and relationship in my life. Funny how one looks forward to...
God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him – John Piper What if I never get married? If you are a single person this question has probably crossed your mind. In fact, it is a fair assumption to state that this question has...
Pastors’ kids around the world have their share of struggles. The reason I decided to write this article is not to expose my fellow PK’s but to create a healthy awareness. Being a pastor’s kid is unique. People always have preconceived ideas...
Sharla Fritz in her book Waiting: A bible study on patience, hope and trust asks this question: If we can’t have what we want when we want it, what are we to do while waiting? God is not pleased with the sense of instant gratification and hurry...
Did you know that stereotyping is always the first step in persecution? Doesn’t seem like much to amount to persecution ay? But you’d be surprised at the damage it can do. And because I’m talking to us Christians, let me narrow this down...
We had just had an argument and the atmosphere inside the car was tense and thick. I angled my face away, making sure that my eyes remained riveted to the road ahead of us. The grim expressions on our faces said it all; we were not happy. But in a...
My interpretation of the book of Job is worship in every season. The extensive understanding of the universe that the writer of Job pens down is an inspiration to more understanding of the creative subject in the word of God
Acts 13:36 For when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep; he was buried with his fathers and his body decayed. There was a journey of preparation and training before David could serve God’s purpose in his own...