Whisky drove me to my knees. The Famous Grouse to be precise, my hubby’s favourite at the time. He was always the life of the party, my husband, and I remember trying to keep up with him when we first got married, hanging out with him and his...
CHAPTER FOUR They joined the local church and become regular worshippers there. Her husband sent her to school to finish law school and set her up in her first office. Gradually however, Ruth developed a mental condition accompanied by some unusual...
CHAPTER THREE Ruth had gotten married when she was quite young. She was married to a guy she fell deeply in love with and committed her whole life to. Unfortunately, the guy was a nomad who had many exploits he was pursuing all at once. He could be...
Suddenly you realize that you have hit the jackpot, and you begin to place more demands on your partner. After all, isn’t that what he or she is there for?
The 5 Stones that you need to Kill the Goliath in your Life The story of David in 1 Samuel: 17 showcases the outcome of fear and courage. We all have spiritual battles that we fight, sometimes we win, and other times we don’t. It is impossible...
Let me tell you guys about a situation I once found myself in. When I was younger, there was this really cute guy in my class whom every girl had an über crush on, myself included. But there was only one problem…he was always first and I was...
Written By Yvonne Patock The minute I walked through those doors, I started having second thoughts. My palms were clammy with sweat, announcing how nervous I was. I sat down, but kept fidgeting in an attempt to ward of the nervous energy that...
It’s 2.16am, one early morning, shortly after my conversion in 2008. I am sound asleep, snoring contentedly, as only a Baby Christian can. Suddenly, I find myself awake, my mind strangely fresh and alert. For a moment I wonder why I’m awake, as I...
Stability is God’s benefit for them that dwell in His presence. They will be firm, they will be steady, they will be constant, not because of who they are, but because of their alignment with God – dwelling in His presence.
WHERE HAVE YOU PLANTED YOUR SEED? Where have you planted your seed? Seed is the word of God Where have you planted the word? Have you planted it on the path? Where the devil will come and take it away? Plant your seed on good soil Where it can be...