The Lord began speaking to me about entering into the season of Esther in December 2020. But I didn’t feel released to share what He was saying until now. I’m excited to proclaim to God’s children His new season over your lives...
This entry is part [part not set] of 3 in the series The Love Story by Jesca Makena In continuation to the Ruth and Boaz love story series, let’s unfold chapter 3 of the book of Ruth, and see what the scripture has in store for us. In verse 1...
Ruth impressed Boaz with her character and reputation. Boaz impressed Ruth with his good nature and kind heart. Goodness will always attract goodness!
The moment I started studying the book of Ruth, however, the Lord started revealing some truths to me, and I soon realized that the book of Ruth was more than a 'love story'; instead it was about 'fulfilling destiny'.