I see beauty in the weighty cross A tree so rugged, bloody and heavy It witnessed the weight of the world upon the Son of God I see a thing of beauty in Calvary’s cross  Weighted with sin, pain and death Christ who hang there spited, ridiculed and...
About 10 years ago, on a stint back home for a short break (my family and I had lived in another country), I realised that the ladies fellowship had become an important point of fellowship and relationship in my life. Funny how one looks forward to...
My interpretation of the book of Job is worship in every season. The extensive understanding of the universe that the writer of Job pens down is an inspiration to more understanding of the creative subject in the word of God
Infinite God You are without origin The God of power and might Unchanging God Your grace to us is sure You are immeasurably more than we could ever desire By the blood of the lamb that was slain You have redeemed men Out of every tribe, tongue...